On Lincoln

After seeing a host of debate–and GOP pseudo-outrage–in the House I flipped over to the Senate and found an interview with author John Wasik, his most recent work being Lincolnomics. 

Unbeknownst to me, Lincoln was into building infrastructure, both during his brief tenure in Congress as well as in the White House. A lot of what he pushed was for more canals, which linked the country in the manner the transcontinental railroad did, especially in the Chicago area. 

A caller asked if Wasik thought Lincoln would be in favor of huge increases in broadband access. He said he absolutely thought so. This would be the equivalent  of canals back in Lincoln’s day and he would have pushed very hard for it. 
I knew Lincoln was cut from a different cloth than today’s Republicans. His quote, “Labor is superior to capital. Capital is but the fruit of labor and would never have existed had labor not come first. Labor is superior to capital and deserves much the higher consideration” proves that beyond a scintilla of a doubt. 
Wasik is a pleasant, progressive guy who has written around 20 books. Well worth it to pick up  one of them,  particularly if you see it in a used/independent book store. Heck, it’d be worth it to listen to one of his talks on Youtube..


About svaralyay

Steve Varalyay once covered labor and healthcare issues for Random Lengths News, a progressive biweekly serving communities in the the port of Los Angeles, CA. More recently he has written short historical fiction set in the South Bay of Los Angeles and his "Prohibition in the Harbor" won the Grand Prize for the 2011 Easy Reader Writing Competition. Steve has a BA in Spanish and a Minor in Labor Studies for California State University Dominguez Hills and live in Torrance.
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