ubject: Post for 8/20/21

High atop my list of curiosities is, why exactly did the US enter WWI/The Great War? Answers are few and far between. Once in a while somebody will say the torpedoing of the Lusitania though that happened in 1915, two years before our entry. 
Well, picking up a hardcopy of Smedley Butler’s War is a Racket in Sandpiper Books last week I got an answer: money! Here is Butler’s entire quote.
An allied commission, it may be recalled, came over shortly before the war declaration and called on the president (Woodrow Wilson). The president called on a board of advisers. The head of the board spoke. This is what he told the president and his group. “There is no use kidding ourselves any longer. The cause of the allies is lost. We now owe you (1% of the day) five or six billion dollars. If we lose (and without the help of the US we must lose) we–England, Italy and France–cannot pay back the money. And Germany…won’t. So…”
Butler added that this meeting of elites, like so many others, was done without the media  present.
Intrigued? This is on page 60 of chapter five, entitled “To Hell With War”. 

ubject: Post for 8/20/21

About svaralyay

Steve Varalyay once covered labor and healthcare issues for Random Lengths News, a progressive biweekly serving communities in the the port of Los Angeles, CA. More recently he has written short historical fiction set in the South Bay of Los Angeles and his "Prohibition in the Harbor" won the Grand Prize for the 2011 Easy Reader Writing Competition. Steve has a BA in Spanish and a Minor in Labor Studies for California State University Dominguez Hills and live in Torrance.
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